Heritage Hand Sew Needles Embroidery 5/10

  • Style: Embroidery 5/10
  • Unit Type: Wallets
  • QTY per Unit: 16
  • Units per Pack: 10
  • Per Unit: 10 Wallets of 16
  • SKU Code: 86731


10 Wallets of 16 Heritage Embroidery Hand Sew Needles Sizes 5 to 10

Whitecroft Heritage Premium is a range of quality products for the discerning user.

Embroidery needles have a long eye which makes threading the needle  easier when using multiple strands of thread.  Each wallet contains 4 each of the popular sizes 5 to10

Because of their large eye these needles are also suitable for general sewing. They are ideal for people who have difficulty seeing or threading the eye of a needle.

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